27 February 2011

la familia

Last weekend, my family was able to do something really nice: spend time together. After a delayed flight out of Athens caused me to miss my flight to Savannah, my sister, mom, dad & I drove to Hilton Head for some good ole family time with my brother, niece, and my brother's mom. We could be on Modern Family, except my mother isn't as funny as Sophia Vergara as the 2nd wife. Bless her heart. We had a lovely lunch at the Boathouse, and Isabella, my niece took these photos.
my sister natalie, brother darren in the background with a grin on his face as per usual.

isabella with a self portrait. 8 years old and already my hero.

hi it's me!

mother & father. 21 years strong.

21 February 2011

"... and be done with it..."

"Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

14 February 2011

i love deeply, everyday

today, i loved
  • Trader Joe's (the greatest grocery store around), for their flowers bought for my by me, great selection of trail mix & friendly staff.
  • Pi Kappa Alpha for sending all us ADPi's individually addressed valentines then singing 'MY GIRL' a capella in the courtyard.
  • Ordering a new Moleskine journal to record my thoughts, dreams, notes. I used their notebooks in Tanzania and I really love how durable they are.
  • The lineup for Bonnaroo is released tomorrow!! I need to find a way to make a career of going music festivals. Writing's a great way to start!

09 February 2011

02 February 2011

one direction: forward

I'm watching an interview with Oprah, Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler and it makes me realize that getting older isn't all that scary. Sometimes, I fool myself into thinking that after these 4 or 5 years of college are over, my life will be too. But that's not true at all.

A great internship this summer would be awesome, working for an agency or production company or publisher but if I don't do that now, there's always next summer. I'm surrounded by people who are so rushed and driven to have their dream job at 26. It may happen, it may not. There's time to figure it all out.

The Fab 4 started out young, but they had no idea where fate would bring them throughout the next 30 years... No one does. Enjoy it!