24 April 2012

Weekend With My Sorella... & a Mild Breakdown

It's getting down to the wire, people. And I'm freaking out. A little. The rest of my time in Italy goes something like this...

April 26-April 29th: Barcelona
April 30th: Final Oral Presentation in Feature Writing
May 2nd: Italian Cultural Presentation
May 3rd: 2000 word essay on Gibraltar due & Sarah arrives in Rome!
May 9th: Final Feature Writing Story due
May 11th: Italian Final & UGA Graduation
May 14th: Film Final
May 15th: Mediterranean World Final
May 16th: I'm out. Or am I?

Can't believe it. The last few days have been wonderful. My sister came in town on Friday and stayed for the weekend. We walked, and walked, and walked.
Day One
Park by AUR
Happy Hour in Santa Maria in Trastevere
Day Two

Largo Argentina: End of the Tram Line. Cat Sanctuary. Where Caesar was stabbed on the Ides of March.
St Peters
Castel St. Angelo. Some of the most beautiful views of Rome!
Am I right or am I right?
Fontana di Trevi
The next day, our Mom was flying in on a trip from Atlanta. They surprised me and my dad came along, too. I haven't seen him since I left for Roma and I was exstatic. It was one of the sweetest things I've ever experienced. I missed him so much! So, the four of us walked around the city for the day and finished at Tony's. Dad was so excited. I don't think the lasagna disappointed.

Thanks for the lovely day! I'll be home before you know it. Promise. 


  1. Looks like the fam had a great time being together and surprising you!!! I know your Dad was even happier to see you! And Squirt was there for a few days with just you?? Know you LOVED that!! Can't wait to hear what you decide to do! I am not sure what your options are, but the grapevine says there are some!!!
    I love you! Aunt Salli

  2. I loved this update. It was wonderful being with you and your friends. No complaints about the lasagne. Love you. Dad

  3. What a wonderful day Clare! So special just us 4 and then top it off with your 3 adorable friends!!! Loved loved it ...mommy
