*I made this "21 Before 21" List before I decided to spend January-May in Rome, where I will be turning 21. So, a lot of the things on this list won't be done, but I think Rome pretty much trumps all else.*
1. Read 21 books.
- The Paris Wife by Paula McLain. Historical Fiction. Modern novel set in the 1920's about Ernest Hemingway, his first wife Hadley and their adventures with ex-pat's in Europe. Told from Hadley's perspective as a love story of a great writer and how it eventually wrecked their marriage.
- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. I gave into the hype, it was worth it. Amazing.
- The Girl who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson.
- The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards
- The Help by Kathryn Stockett
- Messages by Bonnie McEneaney
- Growing Up in Heaven by James Van Praagh
- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
- Chasing Fire by Suzanne Collins
- Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
- The Artist by Ryan Anderson
- Believing God by Beth Moore
- Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling
2. Ring the Chapel Bell.
The Chapel Bell is a UGA landmark. In the past, it was rung at the start and beginning of class but today, whenever we win a big athletic event, or a test, the end of finals week, basically anything that warrants celebration, we ring the bell. My friend Kati told me a big group of people were there the night the SEALs killed Bin Laden, a bit morbid, but I took the opportunity.
3. Visit a new country.
I went to Rome with my family in July and we went to the Vatican City! My passport didn't get stamped, but the Vatican City is recognized as it's own country, so I think it counts. source |
4. Run a 5K.
Thanksgiving morning, I woke up and ran a 5K at the nearby Marietta Square! I finished it in less time than I expected. I was really proud of myself. I'm definitely going to stay persistent about running!! |
5. Meet someone famous, or infamous.
I met Natasha Bedingfield in May at a wedding at the W Hotel in Midtown Atlanta. She was staying there after a concert and came to the reception to congratulate the bride and groom. (Another great thing about being famous: the ability to Wedding Crash, and be welcomed like, well, a star.) I took a picture with her, too, but it turned out really blurry. I asked Natasha to sing Unwritten, but she said she "was too tired, maybe next time". So I'm holding her to it. Next time. |
6. Travel with my sister.
7. Learn to drive a stick shift.
8. See a movie at Cine.
9. Donate Blood.
As a person with an O+ Blood Type, I'm pretty popular and I like helping people out, so giving blood just seemed like the right thing to do. I went with my sister in July. It was all going great until I looked at the needle and lost my cool. Word of advice, don't look at the needle. Natalie ended up getting a little weak and passed out. It was terrifying, yet all I could do was awkwardly laugh. Makes me wonder about my reactions in moments of crisis. BUT, I'd definitely do it again. There were plaques on the wall honoring people who donated blood 25, 50, 100, 150 and 200 times! My traveling schedule and unsanitary contact with needles (KIDDING!) will probably make me ineligible to give blood eventually, so I'll do it while I can. |
10. Volunteer at a Homeless Shelter.
Did it at the end of July in Marietta at Must Ministries, volunteered 16 hours. One of the hardest things I've ever done, made me incredibly grateful.
11. Declutter my room.
I decluttered my room & my house! Had a garage sale in June! So much work, but worth it. Afterwards, we had a charity come and pick up everything that didn't sell, so nothing went back in the house. |
12. Sell something on ebay.
I've started selling some old accessories, purses and wallets so far, and I'm hoping I get good enough and can stand to part with some things that can give me some more cash. Too much sitting in the closet, not enough in the wallet, know what I mean? This was the first thing I sold, made $15.00.
13. Restore a piece of furniture.
14. Climb something BIG.
Kennesaw Mountain, July 27th |
15. Visit the Wheatley's in Hong Kong.
16. Learn Final Cut Pro.
17. Buy a piece of art by Jamie Calkin.
Isn't she a beaut? |
18. Learn Photoshop.
19. Go to California and NYC.
20. Get a tattoo.
Yep, probably the item on my list I thought I would be the least likely to do. My sister and I got the Greek word for sister tattooed on the outside of our left feet (feet or foot?) at the beginning of November in memory of our sister who passed away in 2009. Natalie wrote this in her handwriting, which I think makes it more special. I love it. I'm really glad I got it and I was pleasantly surprised that it didn't hurt too terribly. |
21. See 5 concerts at the Georgia Theatre.
The Whigs 8/20/11 |
Dank Sinatra 8/24/11 |
Mat Kearney 9/17/11 |
Ghostland Observatory 10/6/11
Bassnectar 10/16/11 |